Monday, 2 November 2009

[-] Sound Projects, Performances & Interactive Installations

[-] U-Bahn Sonicography [Iain McCurdy]
An interactive sound installation that takes its physical inspiration from a stylized map of the Berlin transport network and its musical inspiration from the ideas of interdependence within an internally dynamic yet globally equilibrius system. For more details click here

[-] Locally Toned in Berlin [Teresa Foley]
Locally Toned is artist T. Foley's public art/original ringtone creation project. A not-for-profit venture, it involves Pittsburghers in the creation of original ringtones, and then provides free distribution via the Web and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). For more information click here

[-] Calle Garibaldi- Dynamic Documentary Film [Ricardo Climent]
My proposal for s.low is a collaborative work to create and produce a Documentary Film with dynamic content where sound becomes a compass for orientation and navigation through narratives exploring the thresholds between facts and fiction. I want to experiment with a slow motion high FPS camera to freeze or slow down instants of time, to provide protagonism to sound and to speculate with the audiovisual contract . For more details click here

[-] Solitude - Silence [Thomas Bjelkeborn]
Many of my works can be used as contemplations over the difference between noise as pollution and organised nonmusical sounds as works of art, often presented by me as music. Over the years I've felt that my works have more in common with poetry or scupltures rather than with the grand tradition of symphonic music. For more details click here

[-] Pond Life III [Sam Salem/ Patrick Sanan]
Following on from our success with Pond Life II, we plan to create a new version of the work, developing the themes and technologies of the piece further. Pond Life is a generative audiovisual laboratory that encourages audience exploration and participation. For more details click here